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Der 3D Viewer erfordert mitunter einen rel. aktuellen Web-Browser.
Gyoroid als geeignete Füllstruktur fuer AM Die Gyroid Fläche ist eine mathematische Fläche, die sich ggf. als Füllstruktur für Bauteile anbietet, die im 3D Druckverfahren hergestellt werden (“Additive Manufacturing”).
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Halter für Polar M450 + SynchrosRR 1.0 Nachdem es käuflich keinen Halter für den Fahrradkomputer Polar M450 und der Lenkereinheit Syntace/SynchroRR 1.0 gibt, hier eine kurze Beschreibung, wie das Problems mittes 3D Druck-Teil zu lösen ist.
Die Kombination Polar M450 + SynchrosRR1.
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XTablelist Package A kind of TclOO code example to show how an existing widget can be extended to add more sub-commands to it.
Purpose A TclOO class to extend the fabulous tablelist widget.
TclOO naming conventions public methods - starts with lower case declaration names, whereas private methods - starts with uppercase naming, so we use CamelCase … Widget commands xtablelist::xtablelist
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BWidget_patch A patch to fix some problems with BWidget 1.9.10.
Please double check with the actual version of BWidget currently in use, maybe this has become already obsolete over time.
Purpose This package solves some issues with BWidget in conjunction with the ttk widget set.
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The Tcl/Tk programming language Overview Tcl Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a very powerful but easy-to-learn dynamic programming language, suitable for a very wide range of use cases:
including web and desktop applications, networking, administration, testing and many more.. Open source and business-friendly, Tcl is a mature yet evolving language that is truly cross-platform, easily deployed and highly extensible.
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