Questions and answers, all around CATScript programming.
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This CATScript shows how to implement a custom dialog window
other than MsgBox and InputBox -
freely programmable and customizable.
The dialog is based on a HTA:Application and
in combination with wshell and mshta.exe.
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CATScript OOP programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is not so frequently used for CATScript macros.
This is why I’d like to present some code for a generic OOP class here mainly to see how it looks like and what the benefits and possible drawbacks are.
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Object-Oriented-Programming with CATScript Object-oriented programming (OOP) is not commonly used in CATScript macros, or at least, there is not so much information and sample-code available on the web or in various books and documentation I looked at.
However, CATScript - similar to VBS - does support class declarations, so there is no excuse for an adventurous programmers to not use it.
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Delete all unused Details Purpose This CATScript macro for Catia can be used to delete all unused details which are currently available in one of the available detail sheet(s).
An unused detail hereby is a detail which is not referenced in any of the available drawing views in a CATDrawing.
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Mesh Generator als Catia-Makro Vorwort: Der Mesh Generator erzeugt automatisch eine Voronoi Struktur. Als Eingabe dient dabei ein Sketcher (Catia) mit einer 2D-Punktewolke.
Die Punktewolke kann dabei regelmäßig (auskonstruiert) oder scheinbar regellos sein. Die Reihenfolge der Punkte spielt für die Generierung der Struktur (Mesh) keine Rolle.
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Export Binary STL Purpose: This script can be used to save the actual catpart as a binary STL file.
You can easily create STL files with the “Catia SaveAs..” native dialog. The only drawback is that Catia by default creates STL in plain text format.
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Rename Partname to Filename The script can be used to ensure that the part name (inside the CAD-Model) is the same as the given file name. The script recursively scans a given directory and takes any “.CATPart” + “.CATProduct” model into account.
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Konstruktionsmethodik für die Additive Fertigung: Vorwort: Hier ein paar Gedanken rund um die additive Fertigung (AM) und zwar aus der Sicht der Konstruktion.
Zurzeit kreisen die Themen um optimierte Bauteile, “Optimizer”, Strukturoptimierer, etc…, was darauf abzielt, komplexe Geometrie (und Füllstrukturen) mehr oder weniger auf Knopfdruck zu erzeugen.
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Delete Empty Part Bodies A utility CATScript macro for CatiaV5 to clean up a all empty PartBodies in a CATPart.
Desciption: Source-Code:
Usage: Assuming that one needs to clean e.g. a CATAllPart from all unnecessary geometry. After the clean operation (by selecting geometry visually on the screen rather than in the object tree) a lot of empty PartBodies might remain.
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