This batch file can be used to replace the console.
Especially useful while developing or editing a site which also supports file:\ mode.
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The HUGO Relearn theme has one outstanding feature as it fully supports
file mode, which means that there is no web server required
to get access to the web site content.
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How to program a recursive directory listing I came across the idea to create a summary page showing all files which are stored in a directiory down below Hugo’s /static folder. Here is a brief description of how such a shortcode could be implemented.
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Tag & Categories Cloud for Hugo Tags and categories are a great choice for organizing content. In this post I’d like to show how to layout & program a tag cloud for hugo, a static site generator.
When creating a new article in the content folder, don’t miss to enter the “tags” and “categories” taxonomy information.
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Page Bundles in Hugo Page bundles are available in hugo (a static web site site generator which is great fun) for quite a while now.
I always wanted to store files (assets and images, etc…) which belongs to an article in the same directory as the article itself - or at least in a sibling directory down below the content tree.
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Fun with animation
An animated effect can be easily achieved with a jquery based script and with 2 more images.
The image in front might be a png image with transparent areas, whereas the background image
could be a jpg image just showing some colored pattern.
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Motivation: As an initial approach, the Disqus commenting platform was used on this site. Disqus is nicely integrated in Hugo and so getting this service up and running a static site is not a big deal.
(Hugo is a static site generator which allows you to create web sites completely independently of any web service and off-line on your local computer).
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sqlitedb.tcl package Purpose: Database connectivity package to establish a connection to a remote sqlite database file via http protocol and with the aid of the SqliteDB PHP interface.
Be aware that this package is a proove of concept and far from complete.
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Get some more information about the Data Exchange Server available on this site.
Purpose: The purpose of this service is to exchange files with customers - without the need to send files as e-Mail attachments or transfer them via a more complicated ftp server.
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How to add search functionality to a static web site Hugo a static web site generator and lunr.js Since version 0.20 Hugo has a build in capability to create a (customized) index file of available markdown documents down below the content directory tree.
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