Export All Drawings 2 PDF Purpose This utility CATScript macro for CatiaV5 can be used to create PDF documents for all CATDrawing files which are stored in a directory structure.
Starting from a given directory, the function recursively searches all sub-directories, trying to find every drawing document down below the directory tree.
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Product To Step Export Purpose: A CATScript macro for CatiaV5 which allows to export all individual 3D models which belong to the current product to STEP format.
Using this macro could be a real time saver, especially if the models are very big, or if there are a lot of 3D models which needs to be exported.
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Customized Save Purpose: The purpose of this CATIA macro is to make sure that a model is saved in a standardized way.
During the design, a model is usually saved “on the fly” and in its current design state. This means the object tree is expanded to a certain level, there are wire-frame and surfaces in shown, the model might contain useless or obsolete or inactive geometry, etc…
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