Here we go:
html + javascript needed to achive this effect:
<img class="background_animation"
style=" background-image: url('/blog/bg_animation/bg_animation.jpg');"
src="/blog/bg_animation/animation_image.png" width="800" height="46"
alt="" title="">
The javascript to be initialized looks like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var offset = 0;
// in pixels
var backgroundheight = 800;
function scrollbackground() {
// decrease the offset by 1,
// or if its less than 1 increase it by the background height minus 1
// and apply the background position using jQuery
offset = (offset < 1) ? offset + (backgroundheight - 1) : offset - 1;
$('img.background_animation').css("background-position", "50% " + offset + "px");
// call self to continue animation...
setTimeout(function() { scrollbackground(); }, 30);
// Start the animation...
The same animation implemented as a shortcode (for Hugo static site generator), read more...
Shortcode declaration:
As always the shortcode has a .html extension and needs to be stored under the site’s layouts/shortcodes directory.
<!-- shortcode
initial release,
this is a work in progress,
uid can be done automaticly when instantiating the shortcode (maybe),
so for the moment the code snippet more or less is a proove of concept
{{- $uid := .Get "uid" -}}
{{- $foreground_img := .Get "foreground_img" -}}
{{- $background_img := .Get "background_img" -}}
{{- $bg_img_height := .Get "bg_img_height" -}}
{{- $scroll_speed := .Get "scroll_speed" -}}
<!-- image declaration -->
<img class="background_animation_{{ $uid }}"
style="background-image: url('{{- $background_img -}}'); repeat;"
src="{{- $foreground_img -}}">
<!-- required javascript code -->
$(document).ready(function() {
var offset = 0;
// in pixels
var backgroundheight = {{- $bg_img_height -}};
function scrollbackground() {
// decrease the offset by 1,
// or if its less than 1 increase it by the background height minus 1
// and apply the background position using jQuery
offset = (offset < 1) ? offset + (backgroundheight - 1) : offset - 1;
$('img.background_animation_{{ $uid }}').css("background-position", "50% " + offset + "px");
// call self to continue animation...
setTimeout(function() { scrollbackground(); }, {{- $scroll_speed -}});
// Start the animation...
Once available, the shortcode can be initialized as following. For the moment, all arguments are mandatory.
If the shortcode is used more than once in a page, make shure, the uid is a unique number. The uid just ensures there javascript code is not clashing with other animations already up and running.
{{ % set_background_image
% }}
<!-- Please note: the space in between the double brackets and the % sighn
is only requred for formatting reasons.
Hugo **always** evaluates shortcode ignoring any formatting rules.
Please remove the space when using this code in a page to initialize the shortcode -->