Product To Step Export
A CATScript macro for CatiaV5 which allows to export all individual 3D models which belong to the current product to STEP format.
Using this macro could be a real time saver, especially if the models are very big, or if there are a lot of 3D models which needs to be exported.
You can use show/noshow to specify what components to export.
If a component is set to noshow in the product tree, it is not taken into account by the macro.
Tasks performed when running the script:
Traverses down the product structure of a given
to search for all individual components to be included in the Step export.Takes only those components into account, which are in show mode!
For each export task, a unique directory behind
is created.
Please specify the
in the configuration section of the macro’s source code, where files should be written to.Remember that each export job creates it’s own timestamped sub-directory here.
The script could be executed repetitively and because of the time-stamp used in the naming of the export directory, no existing files will be overwritten.
- Start Catia and and open up a CATProduct,
- show hide components as required (the macro works the same way as Catia - “what you see is what you export”)
- run this macro …
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ProductToStepExport.CATScript
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' (c) 2010, Johann Oberdorfer - Engineering Support | CAD | Software
' johann.oberdorfer [at]
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' This source file is distributed under the BSD license.
' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' See the BSD License for more details.
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Purpose:
' In general:
' Allows to write all associated "CADPart" models of a CATProduct
' to a different export format (STEP). This could be done by hand, but is
' especially useful for bigger models / bigger assemblies
' with a lot of components.
' - enjoy -
' Tasks performed by the script:
' - Read the product structure of a given CATProduct and save
' each individual component as a Step file.
' - Takes only those components into account, which are in show mode!
' - For each export task, a unique directory behind EXPORT_DIR is created.
' Installation requirements:
' - Please specify the EXPORT_DIR in the configuration section, where
' files should be written to. Remember that each export job creates it's
' own timestaped directory here. Existing files won't be overwritten.
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Revision History:
' Dec. 2011, J.Oberdorfer: Initial Release
' 11.12.2011, Johann: fallback solution using the system's temp directory,
' in case EXPORT_DIR hasn't been properly declared
' or points to a non existing dir
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
' ---------------------
' Configuration Section
' ---------------------
Const THIS_SCRIPT = "--- ProductToStepExport V1.0 ---"
Const EXPORT_DIR = "Z:\STEP_Export"
Const EXPORT_FILE_EXT = ".stp"
' -------------------------
' End Configuration Section
' -------------------------
Function IsInShownMode (ByVal Item As AnyObject) As Boolean
Dim cSel As Collection
Dim showstate As CatVisPropertyShow
Set cSel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
IsInShownMode = FALSE
cSel.Add Item
cSel.VisProperties.GetShow showstate
If (showstate = catVisPropertyShowAttr) Then
' MsgBox "IsInShownMode -->" + Item.Name
IsInShownMode = TRUE
End If
End Function
Function GetModelName (ByVal current_product As Product) As String
Dim model_name, component_name As String
Dim fs As FileSystem
Set fs = CATIA.FileSystem
GetModelName = ""
current_product.ApplyWorkMode DESIGN_MODE
' errror handling is required
' if the product does not contain an associated CATPart,
' an error accures when calling: ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part.Name
Err.Clear : On Error Resume Next
component_name = current_product.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part.Name
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
On Error Goto 0
Exit Function
End If
On Error Goto 0
' is there a better way to read the associated CATPart (?):
model_name = fs.ConcatenatePaths( _
current_product.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Path, _
model_name = model_name + ".CATPart"
IF ( fs.FileExists(model_name) ) Then
GetModelName = model_name
End If
End Function
' // list append
' // append a given string to the data (list) array
' // - if mode is set to "unique", it is cheched, wether the string is already a
' // member of the list or not
' // - empty strings are not taken into account
' //
Sub LAppend (ByRef data_list() As Variant, ByVal str As String, ByVal mode As String)
Dim i, cnt, add_item As Integer
If ( str = "" ) Then
Exit Sub
End If
add_item = 1
If ( mode = "unique" ) Then
For i = 1 To UBound(data_list)
If ( str = data_list(i) ) Then
' MsgBox "--> " + str + vBNewLine + data_list(i)
add_item = 0
Exit For
End If
End If
If (add_item = 1) Then
' append the string to the (list) array
cnt = UBound(data_list) + 1
ReDim Preserve data_list(cnt)
data_list(cnt) = str
End If
End Sub
Sub ReadProductTree (ByVal productList As Products, _
ByRef data_list As Variant)
Dim i As Integer
Dim subProducts As Products
Dim model_name As String
For i = 1 to productList.Count
' product must be in-show mode
IF ( IsInShownMode( productList.Item(i) ) = TRUE ) Then
If productList.Item(i).Products.Count > 0 Then
' ASSEMBLY - recursive call ...
Set subProducts = productList.Item(i).Products
Call ReadProductTree (subProducts, data_list)
' PART - component print out
model_name = GetModelName ( productList.Item(i) )
LAppend data_list, model_name, "unique"
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ConvertArrayToString (ByVal arr() As Variant, ByRef str As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim str_item As String
str = ""
For i = 1 To Ubound(arr)
str_item = CStr( arr(i) )
If ( str_item <> "" ) Then
str = str + vBNewline + str_item
End If
' MsgBox "Array Content:" + vBNewline + str
End Sub
' // get the filename from a given full path filename
' //
Function GetFileTailName (ByVal full_path_name As String) As String
Dim arr As Array
Dim fs As FileSystem
Set fs = CATIA.FileSystem
arr = split (full_path_name, fs.FileSeparator, -1, vbTextCompare)
' remove leading path, file name is the last item of
' the array returned by the split function
GetFileTailName = arr ( UBound(arr) )
End Function
' // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
' // here we go...
' // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
' //
Sub CATMain ()
Dim msg_str, indexStr, _
full_path_name, model_name, export_file_name, _
time_stamp, current_export_dir, temp_dir As String
Dim i, _
isFirstLevel, isNextLevel, isThirdLevel, isAssembly As Integer
Dim this_doc, current_doc As Document
Dim this_product As Product
Dim data_list() As Variant
Dim fs As FileSystem
CATIA.RefreshDisplay = FALSE
' -- initialization
Set this_doc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set fs = CATIA.FileSystem
' -- check, if there is a product on the screen or not...
If (TypeName(this_doc) <> "ProductDocument") Then
Msgbox _
"Your active Document type: " + TypeName(this_doc) + vBNewline _
+ "is not valid for this action." + vBNewline _
+ vBNewline _
+ "Please open a CATProduct and try again!", _
vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Warning:"
Exit Sub
End If
' -- specify the root product
Set this_product = this_doc.Product
ReDim Preserve data_list(0)
' -----------------------------------------------------
Call ReadProductTree (this_product.Products, data_list)
' -----------------------------------------------------
' -- ? any cad models availabel
If ( Ubound(data_list) = 0 ) Then
Msgbox _
"Your active Product does not contain any associated CATPart." + vBNewline _
+ vBNewline _
+ "Please make shure, components are in show mode," + vBNewline _
+ "or otherwise open another CATProduct and try again!", _
vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Warning:"
Exit Sub
End If
' -- create a unique export directory
IF ( fs.FolderExists(EXPORT_DIR) ) Then
temp_dir = EXPORT_DIR
temp_dir = fs.TemporaryDirectory
If ( Msgbox( _
"The default export directory: " + EXPORT_DIR + " does not exist!" + vBNewline _
+ "The current temporary dir: " + temp_dir + " is used instead." + vBNewline _
+ vBNewline _
+ "Do you like to continue?", _
vbQuestion + vbOkCancel, "Question:") = 2 ) Then
' cancel button (=2) pressed
Exit Sub
End If
End If
time_stamp = CStr( Date ) + "_" + Replace (Time, ":", ".", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
current_export_dir = fs.ConcatenatePaths(temp_dir, this_product.Name + time_stamp)
' -development-
' ConvertArrayToString data_list, msg_str : MsgBox "--> " + msg_str : Exit Sub
' -- ? really like to export
If ( Msgbox( _
"About to export " + CStr(Ubound(data_list)) + " CATPart model(s)." + vBNewline _
+ "Export directory used: " + current_export_dir + vBNewline _
+ vBNewline _
+ "Do you like to continue?", _
vbQuestion + vbOkCancel, "Question:") = 2 ) Then
Exit Sub
End If
' -- now, save each associated CATPart as a step file ...
For i = 1 To Ubound(data_list)
full_path_name = data_list(i)
model_name = GetFileTailName ( full_path_name )
model_name = Replace (model_name, ".CATPart", EXPORT_FILE_EXT, 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
export_file_name = fs.ConcatenatePaths(current_export_dir, model_name)
' -- clean existing step file prior to write the new one:
' has become obsolete now, as we do create a new directory for each export task
' If ( fs.FileExists(export_file_name) ) Then fs.DeleteFile export_file_name End If
' MsgBox "About to write Step file: " + export_file_name
Set current_doc = CATIA.Documents.Open( full_path_name )
' ---------------------------------------------------------
current_doc.ExportData export_file_name, EXPORT_FILE_FORMAT
' ---------------------------------------------------------
' -- status message ...
Msgbox _
"Export successfully finished - " + CStr( Ubound(data_list) ) + " Model(s) exported." + vBNewline _
+ "Data has been written to the following directory:" + vBNewline _
+ vBNewline _
+ current_export_dir + vBNewline _
+ vBNewline _
+ "Thank you for using the macro." + vBNewline _
+ "(C) 2011, Johann Oberdorfer," + vBNewline _
+ "Engineering Support | CAD | Software Development," + vBNewline _
+ "", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Info:"
CATIA.RefreshDisplay = TRUE
End Sub
Download Link:
The software can be downloaded as well by clicking on the link provided here:
File name: | Size / byte: | |
---|---|---| | 4102 |